Garden Valley Organics Organic Compost (Certified for Organic Use) Blown In

An all-purpose compost containing natural and organic recycled green waste material. It is highly beneficial for developing good root structure in your plants that is STA certified, and certified for organic growing. Trusted by Petal Pink Flowers

How to use Ingredients How much do I need?

Garden Valley Organics Organic Compost (Certified for Organic Use)
Garden Valley Organics Organic Compost

Garden Valley Organics Organic Compost (Certified for Organic Use) Blown In

An all-purpose compost containing natural and organic recycled green waste material. It is highly beneficial for developing good root structure in your plants that is STA certified, and certified for organic growing. Trusted by Petal Pink Flowers

How to use Ingredients How much do I need?

Regular price $472.00

Actual price dependent upon project.

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How to use

Garden Valley Organics Organic Compost (Certified for Organic Use)

Use as an alternative to dress for flower and planting beds, a seed cover for new lawns, and a soil amendment for newly planted gardens.

  • Use Organic Compost to break up clay soils or improve water holding capacity in sandy soils.
  • As a soil amendment, Organic Compost is a multi-purpose compost for all your planting needs.
  • Blend equal parts of Organic Compost with the native soil to create an ideal growing media your plants can thrive in.
  • As a seed topdress, we recommend that you spread a 1/2 to 3/4 inch layer of Organic Compost over the newly seeded lawn to insulate and stabilize the seed and retain surface moisture to improve seed germination.
  • We also recommend using Organic Compost to topdress sewn seed in the rows of your vegetable or flower garden.


All Natural & Organic Ingredients: Composted green waste.

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