Erosion Control
By utilizing compost and mulches as the building blocks for all of our erosion and sediment control BMP’s (Best Management Practices) and incorporating them into our landscape construction practices, we guarantee that our customers have a long-term sustainable product. More importantly, we feel that by diverting these organic materials out of the landfills and using them in place of synthetic BMP’s, there is a significant “net” win for our environment.
We believe that by replicating the natural undisturbed soil conditions we can best protect denuded soils from the affects of accelerated erosion and post development conditions. Organic compost and mulch are strikingly similar to the natural layer of duff that normally exists in pre-disturbed conditions. It’s these soil conditions that are so effective and naturally eliminate most forms of erosion.
This philosophy of good soil stewardship has committed Rexius to focusing on the long-term benefits of providing environmentally responsible erosion and sediment control products.
Contact our resident CPESC, Jason Giles, for more information at 541-335-8021 or email at
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